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Dependant Dropdown Issue

Posted: 2013-11-04 05:42
by energylevels2012
Anyone had a problem with the dependant dropdown server behaviour, I used it on a nextensio form with two dropdowns but the second dropdown always fails to load an existing value

Re: Dependant Dropdown Issue

Posted: 2013-11-06 23:33
by jlig
My guess is an issue with your Primary & Foreign keys setup..
- Walk back thru your table &/or the wizard & check/chang the id's.. see this doc: ... Depend.htm

Re: Dependant Dropdown Issue

Posted: 2013-11-10 18:35
by Fred
Do you get the same issue with different browsers.

Chrome doesn't work for me. I had to start using a different approach.
(edit) Sorry talking nonsense, it is the editable drop down that is not working in Chrome.

Re: Dependant Dropdown Issue

Posted: 2013-12-30 01:18
by energylevels2012

Only just noticed the replies sorry ... Its a dependant dropdown probelm - the second dependant menu is not loading its value when on the update page .... I'm not sure why