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Mediawiki User-Database

Posted: 2012-10-16 18:43
by xdaniel
Hi Fred,

we're running a mediawiki ( with integrated forum for some years now to coordinate authors in our blog and radiostation. Now I developed a database for easier spreading the medias to review for the magazine (cds, books, etc.).

Is there a way to share the mediawiki user and password with MX Kollection? The Password is encrypted.

Best wishes


Re: Mediawiki User-Database

Posted: 2012-10-17 10:56
by Fred
Sure, tick the encrypt box when you define your login settings or edit he file and set line 32 to true.

Not sure if wiki and interakt uses the same encryption methods

Re: Mediawiki User-Database

Posted: 2012-10-18 06:58
by xdaniel
this seems to be the problem. it doesn't work.