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Send Email working / not working

Posted: 2012-06-29 12:37
by Accumike
Hi Fred,
I've been using these great Interakt products since 2006.
I have used the Send Email function when updating records etc. with great success, but recently I have come across the following problem:

When developing a new record update page with associated email template, I find that the email will send OK to a hard-wired address, but fails to a dynamic address. This is bizarre, because the existing update/email page sets all still work, sending emails to dynamic addresses. These pages are all within the same site. This site is sending several hundred emails each week with no problems with the older pages.

As far as I can tell, the Send Email Trigger code section for sending emails is the same in every case, apart from the detail differences (to: subject: etc.), but the newer pages fail to send the email.

Any ideas?


Michael Bullard

Re: Send Email working / not working

Posted: 2012-06-29 13:49
by Fred
Hi Micheal,
Ok it is working in the old pages so we can safely assume the problem is something in the new pages.

Check the sequence of the code. I have seen the extensions sometimes adding a "require" or "include" in the wrong order and something on the page will stop working.
A stupid mistake I sometimes make is to forget to add access restriction to the page and then cant figure out why certain session variables are not available.

Is the email address already available in the page before you sent the email? Try to echo it somewhere and see if you actually get the value.
Is the send email function a custom transaction? Make sure the value is still accessible inside the function by declaring it as a global value.

Re: Send Email working / not working

Posted: 2012-06-29 16:43
by Accumike
Hi Fred

Thanks for the quick reply. I have done these checks:

The email address appears in the email body if you use a fixed email address.
Nothing appears to be out of sequence.
It's a standard insert transaction, not custom.

So I'm still stuck, but if I find an answer I'll let you know.

Re: Send Email working / not working

Posted: 2012-06-29 19:14
by Fred
Where is the email address coming from?
Database or form?

Re: Send Email working / not working

Posted: 2012-07-02 11:35
by Accumike
Hi Fred

I've found the answer and thankfully, it's nothing to do with MX Send E-mail!

For some reason, my Outlook does not always pick up email from my test address.

I then tried the same form / email combinations using Yahoo mail and it works every time.

So the moral of this frustrating saga is: use more than one type of email address when testing.

Thanks for your suggestions - they got me thinking in a different way, which led me to check the email address.



Re: Send Email working / not working

Posted: 2012-07-02 12:43
by Fred
Using more than one "type" of email address is actually VERY important especially when sending HTML emails.
There are huge differences between different email clients, not even mentioning gmail and the rest.

Glad you got it sorted.